LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library I

LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library I
We Write The Book

In October 2017 we had a blast making Flag Books at the Valley Plaza Branch Library, in North Hollywood (NoHo).

The stars of the program were mothers, daughters, girls and women.
YEAH! Girl Power! 

…and a beautiful couple too…both artists.

Pink Power.

A fitting conclusion!

Masks and Merriment

Masks and Merriment

I had the wonderful opportunity to lead a mask-making program recently at the great  Baldwin Hills Public Library, part of the Los Angeles Public Library system.

web6Parents worked alongside their children, and joined in the fun!

web1We created three-dimensional masks of flat sheets of bright tag paper by cutting through the corners and attaching the edges.

web5Participants then creatively adorned and

web4developed their mask


web2We can become someone else when wearing our masks…

And maybe, become more ourselves!



And isn’t that what the creative process is all about?