LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library III

LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library III
We Write The Book

In December 2017 we had a blast MARBLING PAPER AND making Accordion Books at the Valley Plaza Branch Library, in North Hollywood (NoHo).

I was honored to serve as a teaching artist for LACMA (The Los Angeles County Museum of Art) to lead this program.

The stars of the program were mothers, daughters, SISTERS, girls and women.
YEAH! Girl Power! 

Play date at the Library with Mom!

The Mom above’s book…use of “scrap” (repurposed) paper…to colorful effect!

Girls creating together…

Young participants had a great time creating patchworks of color, shapes, patterns and textures on the accordion pages.

Others had fun using rubber stamps!

A material world…

Stickers are a hit.

Another Mom gets into the act.

And another…

Devoted Mom with her two beautiful little guys…


The lovely Ivonne of LACMA photographs a lovely accordion book!

YEAH! Girl Power! 

LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library II

LACMA in NoHo: Exploring Bookmaking at the Valley Plaza Library II
We Write The Book

In December 2017 we had a blast making Tunnel Books at the Valley Plaza Branch Library, in North Hollywood (NoHo).

I was honored to serve as a teaching artist for LACMA (The Los Angeles County Museum of Art) to lead this program.

The stars of the program were mothers, daughters, SISTERS, girls and women.
YEAH! Girl Power! 

“Raw” tunnel book, all in black, ready to have content added to the frames and create a story, scene, drama or all three!

Fun use of stamping in different ways on the frame and backdrop if the book. What is the coyote howling at?

Sisters working side by side.

Smiling mom with her two daughters must be enjoying the creative break, and the opportunity to create side by side with them.

Animals parade through flora under celestial bodies, all in primary technicolors!

Wonderful use of trim….spanning on end of the “stage” to the other, with a butterfly attached!

These four beauties created gorgeous pieces, with attention to detail, and total concentration!

Older sis…

and younger (the middle child!).

Great use of zig zags to create a sea life theme!

A line-up of works in from of Mom.

Pink continues to rule…

Let’s celebrate….Girl Power! 

Fleurs Series: MULTIHUED

Fleurs Series: Multihued

Mar102012_8049Gracing la Table

WEBAFlower Bed

WEB6Spring Blooms

20121226_155810Spring Holidays

Fleurs Series: PURPLE

Fleurs Series: PURPLE







Fleurs Series: In the PINK

Fleurs Series: In the PINK


Book Brights: The Moment in Purple and Pink

Book Brights: The Moment in Purple and Pink

Girl gifts…brightness, pinkness, joy, beauty, birthday wishes…in the pink.

WEBaShe just turned two…

WEBfFan pages.

WEBhA theatrical feel…

WEBiPurple accordion spine…and pink covers. Purple and pink.

WEBdButterfly.  She turned seven. Fly!

WEBbFlag book.

WEBfFlag pages attached to pink accordion spine.

WEBeBack cover. Purple and pink. Bird. Fly!

Color Blossoms: Pink

Color Blossoms: Pink

Well, strike me…pink!

WEBfleur3Putting the blossom back in blossom,,,these rich  blooms run from red to pink to purple.

webxThis blushing beauty is the essence of the pale pink rose. Wedding, anyone?

weboMysterious pink, verging on the purple.

Struck dumb by this pink beauty…webg1

webgAlmost red.

webnDeep pink, fading to the center…beautiful markings.

WEBfleur2Well, by rights, pink is “light” red. A tint of red…or, red with white added.

webwOur blushing beauty further on in her life cycle.

weby1The  joy of lushness.

What does “pink” mean to You?

What does pink “taste” like?

What is Your favorite hue of pink?

May You always be…”in the pink”!